Search Results On vandalism (Page 1 of 2)

vandalism (Page 1 of 2)

  • Black school, Black school, racist attack on historic black school virginia, Vandalism

    Racist attack on historic Black school, Virginia 2016-10-03 13:41:34

    The Ashburn Colored School in Virginia, about 30 miles (50km) west of Washington DC, had been found covered in swastikas and "white power" slogans. Local students were restoring the crumbling building, hoping to create an education museum. The group, which...

    Keywords: racist attack, Black school, racist attack, racist attack

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    Oak Creek Gurdwara, California, another gurdwara in the u s vandalized, Vandalism

    Another Gurdwara in the U.S. vandalized 2013-07-31 06:48:00

    In yet another incident of hate crime reported in the U.S., the complex walls of a Sikh Gurdwara in Riverside in California was spray painted  in bold with the word 'TERRORIST!' across the complex. The Sikh American Legal Defence and...

    Keywords: California, California, Wisconsin Gurdwara attack, Wisconsin Gurdwara attack

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    hindu temple architecture, oldest hindu temple in india, hindu temple vandalized in kentucky miscreants spray paint on deity, Vandalism

    Hindu Temple Vandalized in Kentucky, Miscreants Spray Paint on Deity 2019-01-31 07:25:15

    A Hindu temple in Kentucky has been vandalized by wrongdoers who sprayed black paint on the god and left a knife stabbed into a chair in the main hall of the place of worship. The incident took place at the...

    Keywords: oldest hindu temple in india, hindu temples in india, indian temple history, oldest hindu temple in india

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    Hate Crimes, Virginia, hate crimes in virginia surges to 50 in 2017 according to police data, Vandalism

    Hate Crimes in Virginia Surges to 50% in 2017, According to Police Data 2018-06-05 05:18:50

    In Virginia, the hate crimes in 2017 is surging to nearly 50 per cent over previous year, according to new data released by police.In the annual crime report of Virginia, the state police said there were 202 hate crimes reported...

    Keywords: Virginia, Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, Hate Crimes

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    fear, temple, stop this anti religious moment, Vandalism

    Stop this Anti-Religious moment 2015-04-20 12:42:00

    Just two months after a temple vandalized in Washington State, another heinous attack took place in North Texas, where the vandals wrecked a temple with vulgar Graffiti painted on its walls. The attack was the third in three months. This...

    Keywords: Barrack Obama, fear, fear, fear

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    attacks against minorities in India, minorities, extremist hindu groups attacking minorities in india u s state department report, Vandalism

    Extremist Hindu Groups Attacking Minorities in India: U.S. State Department Report 2019-06-24 09:21:57

    Mob attacks by vicious extremist Hindu groups against minority sections, especially Muslims, remained in India in 2018, surrounded by rumors that victims had killed or traded cows for beef, an official report by the United States said Friday. In its...

    Keywords: attacks against minorities in India, US state department, minorities, minorities

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