Search Results On democratic candidate (Page 1 of 3)

democratic candidate (Page 1 of 3)

  • Karen Dunn, Karen Dunn and Kamala Harris support, top google lawyer is kamala harris debate coach, Democratic candidate

    Top Google Lawyer is Kamala Harris' Debate Coach 2024-09-17 14:15:53

    Kamala Harris, the US Vice President, is preparing to challenge former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 elections. Her secret weapon appears to be a high-profile lawyer, Karen Dunn, who is also defending Google in a major antitrust case...

    Keywords: Karen Dunn and Kamala Harris breaking, Karen Dunn, Karen Dunn and Kamala Harris breaking, Karen Dunn and Kamala Harris

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    Democratic Presidential Aspirants, Kamala Harris Surges to Second Spot, kamala harris surges to second spot among democratic presidential aspirants, Democratic candidate

    Kamala Harris Surges to Second Spot Among Democratic Presidential Aspirants 2019-07-03 07:14:31

    Kamala Harris, the first Indian origin Senator, has surged to the second spot among more than 20 Democratic candidates eyeing the White House in the 2020 presidential run, according to a latest national opinion poll.The former President of United States...

    Keywords: kamala harris spot among Democratic Presidential Aspirants, Kamala Harris Surges to Second Spot, Kamala Harris Surges to Second Spot, kamala harris

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    sanders, presidential campaign, bernie sanders suspends his presidential campaign, Democratic candidate

    Bernie Sanders suspends his presidential campaign 2020-04-09 06:05:35

    With the ongoing pandemic going around, everything has been put on hold, even the presidential campaigns and elections all across the globe. In a news that left everyone in a shock, Bernie Sanders suspended his presidential campaign for the year...

    Keywords: joe biden, presidential campaign, joe biden, presidential campaign

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    Kamala Harris political future, Kamala Harris breaking updates, what s next for kamala harris, Democratic candidate

    What's Next For Kamala Harris? 2024-11-09 11:02:10

    US Vice President Kamala Harris addressed a sombre crowd at Howard University after her defeat by Republican challenger Donald Trump. He promised to continue the fight that led to the US election. The 60-year-old is due to step down in...

    Keywords: Kamala Harris latest, Kamala Harris updates, Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris loss

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    tulsi gabbrd, tulsi gabbrd, indian american community turns a rising political force giving 3 mn to 2020 presidential campaigns, Democratic candidate

    Indian American Community Turns a Rising Political Force Giving $3 Mn to 2020 Presidential Campaigns 2019-07-23 11:10:53

    Even though Indians make up merely 1 percent of the United States population, it has a growing political force. Indian Americans turned out to be the largest contributors to 2020 presidential campaigns with giving more than $3 million. Indian Americans...

    Keywords: Kamala harris, tulsi gabbrd, tulsi gabbrd, Indian americans

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    democratic candidate, Gaza war, kamala harris talks about gaza protests, Democratic candidate

    Kamala Harris Talks About Gaza Protests 2024-08-09 06:45:15

    US Vice President and the Democratic presidential nominee, Kamala Harris has criticized the protestors. People were protesting against the Gaza war in her public meeting, and Harris replied like a boss with a full attitude. She said, 'If you want...

    Keywords: Gaza war, democratic candidate, Gaza israel war, Gaza israel war

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