A Virginia man was arrested on Friday and charged for helping ISIS. On May 26, Qamar and FBI confidential witness (CW) discussed about ISIL's need of photos of some possible targets in and around Washington, to use in a video that ISIL was making to encourage the lone wolf attacks in the Washington, D.C areas. Qamar offered CW ideas of where to take these photographs, including the Pentagon and numerous landmarks in Arlington and Washington, D.C., which could be targeted for terrorist attacks.
On June 3, an audio and video conversation was recorded when CW picked up Qamar in a vehicle and they drove to the landmarks on the list Qamar had created. Qamar stated, "bye bye DC, stupid ass kufar, kill'em all". Qamar and CW met next on June 10 and drove to a location in Arlington to collect some additional photos for the ISIL video.
Qamar initially popped up on the FBI's radar via Twitter, where "he operated over 60 variations of the Twitter handle 'newerajihadi' and expressed pro-ISIS sentiment." According to the authorities he will be sentenced to a maximum 20 years of jail if he will be found guilty.
Qamar informed an FBI confidential witness that he was very much excited by the violence being carried out by ISIS. He had described how he would slaughter someone and paid admiration for the lone wolf attackers and suicide bombers who are willing to die for ISIS.
According to the statement, "Qamar said he loved the bodies, blood and beheadings, and he recalled watching a video of a Kurdish individual being slaughtered, and liked the cracking sound made when the individual's spinal cord was torn,"
By Prakriti Neogi