(Image source from: Six remedies never try})
Here are six points which women never ever try for any reason and which can also leads severe problems of health. So don't go for it.
1. Egg White Masks
While egg whites won't actually give you a "face lift" they can provide a temporary tightening of the skin. While appying if it enters into mout and you mingle. It especially a serotype causing food poisoning. Lastly very cutly you will fall sick
2. Butter on your skin to Treat Burn
Bacteria can grow in butter and can set you up for infection later on.The best thing is to run cold water on it, and then apply an antibiotic cream and cover.
3. At-Home Enemas
The colonic does not magically remove cancer-causing toxins. It will create watery stool and stimulate the release of fecal matter from the last few inches of the lower bowel. Do not forgo licensed medical attention in favor of this dangerous alternative
4. Petroleum Jelly for Vaginal Dryness
Petroleum Jelly should not be used to relieve vaginal dryness since they can be irritating to the vaginal tissues
5. Yogurt use leads viginal infection.
Douching with yogurt is messy. Although it might be helpful for some women, the data are sparse. Eating yogurt with live cultures might be helpful and probably won’t hurt .
6. Treating Acne with Toothpaste
Gel-type toothpastes have a different formulation than actual "paste" toothpastes, and so may be lacking the active ingredients necessary to effectively dry out pimples. Avoid using, as it will not do your skin any good.
AW: Arun kumar