Color Red Makes You Appear More Attractive and Confident, Reveals Science
April 09, 2019 07:11
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Do you always find bright colors appealing to pick up when shopping? Yes right? And it is exactly this that so many brands take advantage of when marketing their products.
According to science, color can often be the only reason someone purchases a product.
In fact, of all colors in the world, the color red has its own unique charm. Whether it's romance, love, sex or anger, red is what most of us imagine these emotions and feelings to be.
According to researchers, red makes a person feel more attractive. And, there are many studies that are backing the statement. The European Journal of Social Psychology, for instance, found that people feel more physically attractive when they are wearing red.
The researchers in Germany studied a group of 180 people wearing red and blue. After students were made to check out their reflections in mirrored cubicles, the ones who wore red rated themselves higher in attractiveness compared those in blue. They also rated themselves higher in sex appeal compared to those clothed in blue. They reportedly also felt more confident.
Research also points to the fact noted that introverts who usually shy away from attention, perceive themselves differently after wearing red clothes. Yet another study confirms that the color red is an 'attention-grabbing shade,' which is why people feel good in red.
According to a study conducted by the Britain's University of Lincoln, red increases one's perceived sexual receptivity.
A 2010 study found that women viewed men as more attractive when they wore red. The color is mentally associated with power and, so, it makes them perceive you the same way.
A red tie, bow, shoes (maybe) tends to work for men. Similarly, women who wear red tend to get stand out in a crowd.
Researchers have found that waitresses wearing red received bigger tips from male customers; women wearing red lipstick were approached more quickly and more often by men in a bar, and men were more likely to email the same woman when she wore red in a photo on her online dating profile.
By Sowmya Sangam