Kristen Stewart bags a fortune for 15-minute royal treatment
September 12, 2013 07:34
(Image source from: Kristen Stewart bags a fortune for 15-minute royal treatment})
How much will you shell out to hang out with the "Twilight" star Kristen Stewart? Er...whatever might be your bid, know that there are a handful of people who can fork over a fortune to be with her, even if it's for a mere fifteen minutes.
A Middle Eastern prince apparently anted up $500,000 for 15 minutes of Kristen's time!
"Mr. Harvey Weinstein described persuading [Kristen Stewart] to accept an offer from a Middle Eastern prince, who said he would make a large contribution to the Sandy relief effort if she would speak with him."
"'How much?' Ms. Stewart asked, according to Mr. Weinstein. He checked with the prince, who proposed a figure, which Mr. Weinstein promptly raised to $500,000," a leading US daily wrote.
The money was paid to her in advance, in cash, Mr. Weinstein said. It was kept in safe custody of James Dolan, MSG's chairman, who locked it up in Madison Square Garden. 'And Kristen sits with the guy for 15 minutes'.
AW: Suchorita Dutta