(Image source from: Remedies For Me)
Only women know how painful and sulky it is during periods and accordingly while many people recommend medication to curb down period pains, it is not continually the right thing to do since it has lots of side-effects.
Nevertheless, don’t panic as here we are with few home remedies to control period pain that is known to be pretty effective.
Heat Pads
The soothing warmth of heat pads would work excellently when it comes to reliving the pain of menstrual cramps.
According to researchers, it is possible that a heating pad could help to relax the myometrium, lessening constriction of blood vessels and improving blood flow to the uterus. Image source: Everyday Health
How to Use?
The heat pad should be applied to the stomach or lower back area, depending on where you are feeling the most distress. The pad should never be applied directly to the skin but on the outside of the clothing. Tight fitted clothing is suggested to get the best transfer of heat to the affected area.
Exercising can actually help ease period stomach ache, though the thought of it might be slightly anxious.
The blood circulation during working out makes your body release endorphins that help keep the prostaglandins in check and help cut down your menstrual cramps.
Image source: Funny Flex
What Exercises Best During Period?
It does not have to be a hardcore cardio workout to experience the benefits of exercising during your period. Just a walk in the park or a couple of jumping jacks in your lounge are also fine.
Chamomile tea
Since Chamomile tea, the fragrant tea is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective to cut down cramps during menstruation.
In addition, it is as well known to reduce prostaglandin production that is also very helpful in the case.
Essential oil massages
Massages help relieve pains and when combined various healthy essential oils the consequences are great.
Essential oils such as lavender, clary sage, holy basil, cinnamon etc. are known to be very effective in terms of reducing period pains.
It is at all times advisable to prevent taking over-the-counter medicine unless your pain gets worse. However, if your pain is intolerable, it is advisable to immediately visit a doctor.
-Sowmya Sangam