Search Results On islamist group

islamist group

  • Gaza Attacks videos, Gaza Attacks violence, 40 killed after violence triggers in gaza, Islamist group

    40 killed after violence triggers in Gaza 2021-05-12 05:32:38

    Violence triggered overnight which resulted in the death of 35 Palestinians in Gaza and five people got killed in Israel. Israel carried several airstrikes in Gaza after an Islamist group along with some of the Palestinian groups fired rocket barrages...

    Keywords: Gaza Attacks updates, Gaza Attacks deaths, Gaza Attacks breaking news, Gaza Attacks videos

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    PFI, NIA Raids facts, nia unearths shocking facts about pfi in india, Islamist group

    NIA Unearths Shocking Facts About PFI In India 2022-09-24 10:53:32

    The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has been conducting multiple surprise raids across the nation and the agency conduted raids in 15 states. 106 accused including the Islamist group chairman OMS Salam have been arrested. NIA has done extensive research and...

    Keywords: NIA, NIA Raids breaking, NIA Raids September 22, NIA Raids September 22

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    US warns more attacks in sri lanka, US warns more attacks in sri lanka, united states warns of more attacks in sri lanka, Islamist group

    United States Warns of More Attacks in Sri Lanka 2019-05-01 13:08:05

    Days after the deadly suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, the United States has warned that the terrorist threat in Sri Lanka still remains as active members of the group that carried out the massive suicide attacks may still be in...

    Keywords: sri lanka, blasts in sri lanka, attacks in sri lanka, sri lanka blasts

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    deadly bomb attacks, Indian terror accused escapes, criminal flees from the court, Islamist group

    Criminal Flees from the court 2013-09-21 03:46:51

    The police explained that an Indian terror accused escaped from a court in Mumbai during Friday striking against a great manhunt. The terror suspect was believed to be guilty and charged with a crime of involvement in deadly bomb attacks...

    Keywords: Indian terror accused escaped, Indian terror accused escapes, serial blasts in western Gujarat, deadly bomb attacks

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    Gaza, Donald Trump breaking update on Gaza, donald trump announces to make gaze beautiful again, Islamist group

    Donald Trump announces to make Gaze Beautiful Again 2025-02-05 09:59:02

    More than a week ago, after 16 months of conflict, US President Donald Trump referred to Gaza as a site of destruction and suggested the need to "clean out that whole thing." Initially, the seriousness of his intentions was uncertain....

    Keywords: Donald Trump breaking update on Gaza, Donald Trump breaking update on Gaza, Donald Trump and Gaza breaking news, Donald Trump

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    sri lanka bombings, sri lanka bombings, watch footage of suspected suicide bomber entering sri lankan church released, Islamist group

    Watch: Footage of Suspected Suicide Bomber Entering Sri Lankan Church Released 2019-04-24 07:02:07

    Days after deadly blasts in Sri Lanka, the CCTV footage showing one of the alleged suicide bombers entering St Sebastian Church in Negombo, moments before a blast ripped through the church during the Easter Sunday mass was released by Sri...

    Keywords: sri lanka church blast, sri lanka blasts, Footage of Suspected Suicide Bomber in sri lanka, sri lanka church blast

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